




Complete Revenue Exhibits

Please click on a title below you may be interested in

Exhibits by Dave Elsmore:


Queensland Revenues - 8 frames [FIP LARGE GOLD Medal, Felicitations of the Jury] This is an APF Classic Exhibit

Queensland Revenues the Small Taxes - 5 frames [GOLD Medal, Special Prize]

Queensland Money Orders 1862-67 - 1 frame [GOLD Medal, Special Prize]

Electric Telegraph Queensland - 1 frame [LARGE GOLD Medal]

Queensland Impressed Numeral Revenues - 5 frames [GOLD Medal]

FREE 20mb pdf file download - Queensland Revenues 1866-71 Sesquicentennial 'Literature' [GOLD Medal]

Rail Receipts of Queensland - 1 frame [GOLD Medal, Special Prize, best 1 frame in show]

Queensland Parcel Carrier Receipts - 1 frame [LARGE GOLD Medal]

Queensland Tramway Parcel Stamps - 1 frame [GOLD Medal]

Queensland 1866-1894 Impressed Duty - 1 frame [Large Vermeil Medal]

Queensland Railway Freight Stamps 1965-1994 - 5 frames [GOLD Medal, Champion Exhibit]


New South Wales

New South Wales Revenues - 8 frames [FIP GOLD Medal]

New South Wales Jackson One Penny - 1 frame [GOLD Medal]

New South Wales Revenue Perfins & Security Overprints - Literature - [FIP Vermeil Medal]

New South Wales Revenue Perfins - 1 frame [Vermeil Medal]

New South Wales Wine & Spirit Association Private Revenues - 1 frame [Emerald Medal]

New South Wales Railway Parcel Stamp Training School 'Specimens' - 1 frame [Large Vermeil Medal]



Victoria Revenues [1871-1900] - 8 frames [LARGE GOLD Medal, Felicitations of the Jury, Special Prize, Runner Up Grand Prix]

Victoria Revenues [1900-1965] - 5 frames [GOLD Medal, Special Prize]

Victoria Revenues -The Provisional 1/6d Lithographed 1879-80 - 1 frame [Ruby Medal]

Victoria 5/- Typographic Stamp Duty - 1 frame [Vermeil Medal]



Tasmania Revenues - 8 frames [LARGE GOLD Medal, Special Prize]


Western Australia

Western Australia Revenues - 8 frames [GOLD Medal, Special Prize]


South Australia

South Australia Revenues - 5 frames [Large Vermeil Medal]


Australian Commonwealth

Commonwealth Customs Duty 'Junk Tax' Revenues - 1 frame [LARGE GOLD Medal]

Commonwealth Patent Office Fee Stamps - 5 frames [GOLD Medal]

Commonwealth Taxation Installment Revenue Stamps - 1966 - 1 frame [GOLD Medal]


All Australian States Railway

Australian States RAILWAY Revenue Parcel Stamps - 8 frames [GOLD Medal]


Australian Related Revenues

Fiji 1880 Stamp Duty [this series was printed in NSW] - 5 frames [GOLD Medal, Felicitations of the Jury]


Invited Exhibits

  The Fiscal Revenue Stamps of Western Australia 1881-1974 Ian Culshaw [Large Gold]

Queensland 1866 Stamp Duty [BSAP 2023 Congress Winner] Andrew Mortlock

Queensland 1892 Stamp Duty [BSAP 2023 Congress Winner] Andrew Mortlock

   Monte Bello Islands Western Australia [GOLD Medal] John DiBiase

Postal Notes and Postal Orders [GOLD Medal] John DiBiase

Queensland Railways And Traveling Post Offices - 1 frame Tim Dexter

Western Australia Impressed Duty Stamps 3 frames Ian Culshaw - [Gold Medal]

Queensland Revenues 1866-1900 - 5 frames Alan Griffiths - [Large Vermeil]

New South Wales Railway Parcel Stamps - Ed Druce [Vermeil]

Carrying On - WWII Memorabilia Open Exhibit - 8 frames [GOLD Medal]

New South Wales TB Seals - 5 frames

Ornamental Telegraph Stationery - 3 frames

Australian War Savings Stamps - 1 frame

Australia - London Custom Duty - 6 frames [Large Vermeil Medal]
