
 Queensland Revenue Stamps

ISSN 1836-0084

This is a 'work in progress' from a series of on line catalogues to help the collector and dealer.



This FREE online catalogue is courtesy of Dave Elsmore 

This is a Catalogue only.

Nothing is for sale from these pages. It is purely to help guide you to better collecting.

Priced from Collectors, Dealers & Auctions.

I would welcome any comments to improve the pages.

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VR Seal of the Colony of Queensland


Queen Victoria Adhesive Fiscal Postal Registered & Too Late Queen Victoria Impressed King Edward VII Impressed King George V Adhesive King George V Impressed Numeral Adhesives Numeral Impressed Decimal Numeral Decimal Numeral Impressed Direct Print Manuscript Register Imprints Commissioners Adjudication Exempt Fine Paid Duplicate Triplicate Electric Telegraph Corporate Affairs Local Government Fees Beer Duty Customs Clearance Unemployment Insurance Producers Association Relief Tax Development Tax Commodity Levy Gaming Tax Betting Tax Tax Instalment Buffalo Fly Swine Duty


Constantly updated as information and prices are sourced.

Prices in Australian $ are for sound copies, damaged copies by negotiation.


1866 Queen Victoria

1866 No Watermark Perf 13. This series was authorised for postal use from 1 January 1880 until 1 July 1892. Mint prices are in line with SG. These primitive local printings are notorious for misplaced line perfs, prices are for reasonable looking stamps with full perfs. Mint prices are in line with 2016 SG

Mint with gum [no gum deduct 75%]-1d-$250.00 6d-$450.00 1/--$300.00 1/-[very thin emergency paper, almost translucent]-$1000.00 2/--$600.00 2/6d-$1000.00 5/--$2500.00 5/-[olive-yellow]-$6000.00 6/--$4000.00 10/--$3000.00 20/--$5000.00

Fiscal use-1d-$8.00 6d-$30.00 1/--$25.00 1/--Yellow-Green-$150.00 1/-[very thin emergency paper, almost translucent]-$100.00 2/--$25.00 2/6d-$30.00 5/--$60.00 5/-[olive-yellow]-$2000.00 6/--$200.00 10/--$55.00 20/--$75.00

Essays [imperf or perforated 12] 8d-$3000.00 3/--$1000.00 4/--unseen 7/--$1000.00

1d-20/--SPECIMEN [Type A or B]-$300.00-$1500.00 each [both A & B are unlisted by Kellow]

Imperf or perforated 12 proofs-any value-$450.00each

1d--Prussian Blue[stone 4]-$2000.00

1d--Thin paper[not as thin as the 1/- nor an emergency paper]-$200.00

1d-Imperf at left-$100.00

1d--Horizontal Sheet Number on reverse [Stone 1]-$1000.00

1d--Vertical Sheet Number on reverse at right bottom or left top [Stone 4]-$1000.00

6d-Minor Creased Transfer-$500.00

1/--Proof perforated 12 with red ink horizontal defacing line-$300.00

1/--Pre Substitution [Stone 1 Type 1] Major Creased Transfer [3 different]-$5000.00each

1/--Substitution [Stone 1 Type 1] Proven by a pair for either types, 12, 14, 17 or 18 in the transfer group-$2000.00 per pair


1/--Vertical double perf, mint only-$800.00

1/--Imperf at left [Stone 2]-$600.00

1/--Imperf at left [Stone 3]-$300.00

1/--Minor Creased Transfer [6 different]-$500.00each

1/--Vertical Sheet Number on reverse-$1000.00

1/--Horizontal Sheet Number on reverse-$400.00

1/--Short top to G in shillinG-$200.00

1/--Oval line under Crown [stamps 3 & 4 in the transfer group]-$100.00each

2/--Minor Creased Transfer-$500.00

2/--Retouch -G- $200.00

2/--Minor Retouch -many different-$50.00

2/6d-Proof, Handstamped CANCELLED perf 12-$800.00

5/--[olive-yellow]-$5000.00-mint $2000.00-fiscal

6/--Manuscript CANCELLED-[full gum from a presentation pack]-$2000.00

6/--Joined pair-$600.00

10/--Blue error of colour-$4000.00

10/--Stamp showing value frame damage-$100.00

20/--White line from right ear to shoulder [right transfer group]-$300.00

20/--short tail to P in stamP-$450.00

Major secondary varieties x 2

Postal cancels x 2

Perf 12½x13 x 3


1868 Watermark Crown/Q [tail of Q from the front pointing left is correct] Perf 13. This series was authorised for postal use from 1 January 1880 until 1 July 1892. Mint prices are in line with SG

Mint with gum [no gum deduct 75%]-1d-$100.00 6d-[violet]$250.00 6d-[blue]$1500.00 1/--$300.00 2/--$700.00 5/--$2500.00 10/--$2500.00 20/--$5000.00

Fiscal use 1d-$8.00 6d-[Violet]$25.00 6d-[Blue]$40.00 1/--$25.00 2/--$35.00 5/--$75.00 10/--$375.00 20/--$85.00

1d-20/--SPECIMEN [Type A or B]-$300.00-$1500.00 each [both A & B are unlisted by Kellow]

1d-Wmk inv-$400.00

6d-[blue] Minor Creased Transfer-$500.00

2/--Minor Creased Transfer [Stone 1]-$500.00

1/--Substitution [Stone 2 Type 1] [Proven by wmk line at top for either types 3, 12, 14, 17 or 18 in the transfer group or within a proving pair] [Multiples containing the substitution x 3]-$1500.00each

1/--Pre-Substitution [Stone 3 Type 1] Major retouch -AM- of 'STAMP' reading 'STANP' [but quickly substituted]-$2500.00

1/--Substitution [Stone 3 Type 14 or 18 showing top line wmk]-$3500.00each

20/--Production proof cancelled 'GW'-$200.00

Major secondary varieties x 2

Wmk reversed, any value-add 20%

Perf 12½x13 x 5

Perf 12½ x 3


1871 Queen Victoria



Violet                                                                     Brown

1872 Burelé Band on reverse Perf 13. This series was authorised for postal use from 1 January 1880 until 1 July 1892. Mint prices are in line with SG

Mint with gum [no gum deduct 75%]-1d-$100.00 6d-[violet]$2000.00 6d-[brown]$200.00 1/--$300.00 2/--$500.00 2/6d-$900.00 5/--$1200.00 10/--$2000.00 20/--$4000.00

Fiscal use 1d-$10.00 6d[violet 1872][for good sound stamps]-$400.00 6d[brown]-$25.00 1/--$20.00 2/--$25.00 2/6d-$35.00 5/--$45.00 10/--$80.00 20/--$50.00

Essay [two different]-$1200.00 each

Essay-4 x Mould-$3000.00

Imperf Proof set-$1500.00

6d-Printed on reverse on top of Burelé band-$1200.00

2/6d-Imperf at right-$800.00

1d & 2/6d-Burelé band printed on top of printed stamp -$400.00 each


1873 Watermark Crown/Q Perf 13. This series was authorised for postal use from 1 January 1880 until 1 July 1892. Mint prices are in line with SG

Mint with gum [no gum deduct 75%]-1d-$150.00 6d-[brown]$300.00 1/--$350.00 2/--$500.00 2/6d-$900.00 5/--$1200.00 10/--$3000.00 20/--$5000.00

Fiscal use 1d-$8.00 6d-$45.00 1/--$10.00 2/--$30.00 2/6d-$40.00 5/--$50.00 10/--$100.00 20/--$400.00

2/6d-Perforated proof p13 on wmked gummed paper defced by two horizontal ink lines-$400.00 each

2/--Imperf horizontally-$800.00pair

6/--Imperf vertically-$800.00pair

1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6, 5/-, 10/--Wmk Reversed-add 20%


1874 Watermark Crown/Q Perf 12. This series was authorised for postal use from 1 January 1880 until 1 July 1892. Mint prices are in line with SG

Mint with gum [no gum deduct 75%]-1d-$100.00 6d-[brown]$200.00 1/--$250.00 2/--$350.00 2/6d-$600.00 5/--$900.00 10/--$2000.00 20/--$4000.00

Fiscal use 1d-$2.00 6d-$20.00 1/--$10.00 2/--$20.00 2/6d-$30.00 5/--$20.00 10/--$45.00 20/--$45.00

Perforated proofs p12 on thick plain gummed paper 'mint'-$400.00 each

Perforated proofs p12 on thick plain gummed paper with black corner cancel-$150.00 each

1d-Imperf between pair-$1200.00Vertical imperf between

1/--Second Setting-$20.00

1/--Imperf between pair-$500.00Vertical imperf between

2/--Prussian Blue-$600.00

5/--Double perf-$50.00

10/--Imperf between pair-$300.00Vertical imperf between

10/-Imperf between pair-$300.00Horizontal imperf between

20/--Imperf at top-$1000.00

1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6d, 5/--Imperf-$150.00each [beware of cut down stamps]

1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6, 5/-, 10/--Wmk Reversed-add 20%

Postal use-any-add-50%

Handstamped SPECIMEN-$80each


1878 Queen Victoria

1878 [13 October ERD] Watermark Crown/Q [sg wmk 5, two plume] Perf 12. This series was authorised for postal use from 1 January 1880 till 30 June 1892

1d-Mint[with gum]-$200.00

1d-Fiscal use-$5.00

1d-Inverted Watermark-$200.00

1d-Cracked Electro to neck [fiscal]-$250.00  

1d-Handstamped SPECIMEN-$80.00

1d-Imperf black progressive proof with thick outer borderline-$250.00

1d-Imperf colour trial proof-$200.00

1d-Imperf proof in issued colour-$150.00

1d-Postal use-$20.00


1879 [29 October ERD] Burelé Band on reverse Perf 12

1d-Mint[with gum]-$400.00

1d-Fiscal use-$175.00  

1d-Postal use-$350.00


1879 [22 December ERD] Watermark Crown/Q [sg wmk 6, three plume] Perf 12

1d-Mint[with gum]-$500.00

1d-Fiscal use-$100.00

1d-Postal use-$350.00


Fiscal Postal

Fiscal Postals; From 1 January 1880 to 1 July 1892 all listed postage stamps in Stanley Gibbons & Scott catalogue were available for revenue purposes including ALL stamps issued prior to Jan 1880 [inc SG 1]. This time frame also allowed revenue stamps to be used postally.


Registered & Too Late Revenues

The Registered label of 1861 & 1864 did not pay the postage and was an additional fee for the registered service this can be classed as a revenue. To complicate matters further Queensland also had a 'Too Late' fee, for late posting, unfortunately no stamp was produced and this 'fee' was paid with a 6d postage stamp,  if found on cover the Late Fee paid by a postage stamp can also be classed as a revenue. These fee stamps are listed in SG & at the end of Queensland in the Scott catalogue.


1892 Queen Victoria

1892 Watermark Crown/Q sideways Perf 12. This series was authorised for postal use until 30 June 1892, values available for postal use that were in period: 6d, 1/, 2/6d, 3/-, 5/-, 10/- & £1. - Genuine postal use x 5 [beware of many forgeries], Mint x 2

PLEASE READ! The prices below are for genuine fiscally used copies and NOT the colourless embossed cancel. CTO with colourless embossed cancels deduct 30% of below prices

3d-$12.00 THREEPENCE [in-figures, Pink Rose]-$400.00 THREEPENCE [in-figures, very light reddish purple, looks faded]-$25.00 6d-$5.00 1/-[brown lake]-$25.00 1/-[steel blue]-$50.00 2/--$10.00 2/6d-$10.00 2/6d[grey]-$400.00 3/--$15.00 5/--$10.00 10/--$25.00 £1-$35.00 £5-$150.00

1/-[blue] Imperf-$300.00

5/-Imperf at right-$450.00

6d Postal use [OHMS cover recorded]-$2500.00

Colour trials-$150.00ea

Imperf Proofs-[all values]-$80.00ea [2/6d Grey Proof - one recorded]-$400.00

Hand stamped SPECIMEN in red on imperf proofs-$200.00ea

Hand stamped SPECIMEN over two stamps in black[half SPECIMEN on stamp]-$30.00ea

Hand stamped CANCELLED in black-$10.00ea

Set black corner ring cancel-$150.00

Presentation Set to £5 with colourless embossed treasury cancel-$125.00

Presentation Set to £5 with colourless embossed treasury cancel and Blue CANCELLED handstamp-$350.00


1900 Queen Victoria

1900[22 December ERD] Watermark Crown/Q Perf 12½, 13 comb Mint x 2. Available for postal use till 1 January 1901


1d-Inverted Wmk-$150.00

1d-Line perf 13-$40.00

1d-Handstamped SPECIMEN-$100.00

1d-With colourless embossed cancel from parliamentary presentation set-$200.00

1d-Any Perfin or Security Overprint-$40.00


1866 Queen Victoria

Colourless Impressed

[Revenue Stamped Paper]

Cheque tax imprints [Impressed on top right corner of cheques]


1866                                      1868


1880                                           1882                                          1883                                         1887


1892                                          1921                                         1922                                         1923


1910                                        1930                                            1940




1866 Plain paper cut out from cheques. Full document x 3

1d- 18661d-$25.00 18681d-$35.00 18801d-$25.00 18821d-$20.00 18831d-$25.00 18871d-$10.00 18921d-$25.00 19211d-$25.00      19221d-$25.00 19231d$20.00

2d- 19102d-$35.00 19302d-$25.00 19402d-$25.00 19472d-$20.00

3d- 19623d-$45.00



Cheque tax imprints [printed on]


1957                                              1958                                                1959



From1940 On document x 2

2d[1957]-$35.00 3d[1958]-$15.00 3d[1959]-$25.00 3d[1960]-$35.00






From1966 On document x 2

PAID[1966]-$15.00 6c-$20.00 Nil-$5.00

Note: 'Compact' was a Customised Cheque Printing Company



1866 [all in words] Plain paper document cut out. Full document x 3

6d-$20.00 1/--$20.00 2/--$20.00 2/6d-$20.00 3/--$20.00  5/--$10.00 6/6d--$20.00 7/6d-$20.00 9/--$20.00 10/--$10.00 10/6d-$10.00 11/--$20.00 12/--$20.00 12/6d-$10.00 13/--$40.00 15/--$5.00 16/--$20.00 17/--$20.00 17/6d-$30.00 18/--$20.00 £1-$5.00 £1/1/--$30.00 £1/2/6d-$15.00  £1/5/- -$15.00 £1/7/6d-$25.00 £1/10/--$5.00 £1/12/6d-$25.00 £1/15/--$25.00 £1/17/6d-$40.00 £2-$30.00 £2/10/--$40.00 £3-$40.00 £5-$5.00 £5/10/--$15.00 £6-$10.00 £6/10/--$15.00 £7-$10.00 £7/10/--$15.00 £8-$20.00 £9-$15.00 £9/10/--$20.00 £10-$10.00 £10/10/--$20.00 £11-$20.00 £12-$25.00 £15-$25.00 £16- $40.00 £17/10/--$20.00 £18-$40.00 £19/10/--$40.00 £20-$40.00 £21-$40.00 £22-$40.00 £25-$60.00 £28-$40.00 £29-$40.00 £30-$40.00 £35-$40.00 £50- $100.00 £100-$150.00 £500-$450.00

Read about Cypher Labels

Cypher label-$40.00



1866 Plain paper document cut out. Full document x 3

1½% Ad Valorem-$60.00

Duty Paid in Full-$25.00

Fine Paid-$20.00



Direct Print

1866 Plain paper document cut out. Full document x 3

Oval 5/--$25.00

Round £16/15/6d-$30.00


1892 Rectangular [frameless upright] Inscribed 'BRISBANE' Plain paper document cut out Full document x 3

1/--$15.00 2/--$20.00



                                                                                                       With date plugs

1893 Rockhampton in base of Die Plain paper document cut out Full document x 15

2/6d-[1893 without date plugs]-$80.00 

2/6d-[1894 with date plugs]-$60.00



1892 Townsville in base of Die Plain paper document cut out Full document x 2

2/6d-[1894 without date plugs]-$300.00 [one copy recorded]

7/-[17.10.1892 without date plugs on blue base paper]$300.00 [one copy recorded]

20/-[1893 without date plugs]$300.00 [one copy recorded]

25/-[1894 without date plugs]-$300.00 [one copy recorded]

Fine Paid-$200.00 [one copy recorded on a £20 1895 impressed adhesive]


1895 Queen Victoria


The above over embossing die was designed and engraved by William Wyon’s son Leonard Charles Wyon [1826-1891] from their premises in Regent St London. The floral design used as the central design is called Epacris impressa, with the specific name Impressa, Latin for 'impressed'


                                      Brisbane                                      Rockhampton                                           Townsville                                            

Three offices worked in Queensland. Brisbane  Rockhampton & Townsville each had a different colour over embossing cancel.


1895 Watermark Crown/Q Perf 12 Thick beer duty paper

Single Loose Values With CLEAR ALBINO EMBOSSED CANCELS from broken down sets 3d-£9-$10ea, £10-£90-$15ea, £100-£500-$30ea.

BUYER BEWARE  PLEASE READ! The prices below are for GENUINE USED COPIES with the coloured over embossing cancel on them:

3d-$20.00 6d-$10.00 9d-$10.00 1/--$10.00 1/3d-$15.00 1/6d-$10.00 2/--$10.00 2/6d-$10.00 3/--$10.00 4/--$20.00 5/-- $10.00 6/--$20.00 7/--$20.00 7/6d-$30.00 8/--$25.00 9/--$25.00 10/--$10.00 11/--$15.00 12/--$20.00 12/6d-$20.00 13/--$20.00 14/-- $20.00 15/--$20.00 16/--$20.00 17/--$20.00 17/6d-$20.00 18/--$20.00 19/--$30.00 20/--$15.00 21/--$30.00 25/--$30.00 30/-- $25.00 40/--$25.00 45/--$25.00 £3-$30.00 £4-$30.00 £5-$20.00 £6-$25.00 £7-$25.00 £8-$25.00 £9-$25.00 £10-$20.00 £11-$25.00 £12-$25.00 £13-$25.00 £14-$25.00 £15-$25.00 £16-25.00 £17-$25.00 £18-$25.00 £19-$25.00 £20-$100.00 £30-$25.00 £40-$25.00 £50-$150.00 £60-$150.00 £70-$150.00 £80-$150.00 £90-$150.00 £100-$200.00 £200-$200.00 £300-$500.00 £500-$1500.00 

30/-[Error of colour printed in cinnamon]-$1500.00

£100[split transfer]-$1500.00

£500-Incomplete die proof-$2000.00

17/6d-Incomplete die proof-$1000.00

Prices above are for genuine used copies with the over-embossing cancel. Red = Brisbane Office. Blue = Rockhampton Office. Brown = Townsville Office. Blue or Brown cancel add 30%.


Emergency Separation

Roulette 7 x Perforation 12

A Roulette machine was used when 'checkers' found the odd sheet with a row of perforations missing

1899c Watermark Crown/Q Roulette 7 x Perf 12 compound [roulette at top OR bottom only] Thick beer duty paper


£11-$20.00 £12-$20.00 £18-$20.00 £20-$20.00 £30-$20.00 £60-$20.00 £80-$20.00 £90-$20.00 £300-$20.00

BUYER BEWARE PLEASE READ! The prices below are for GENUINE USED COPIES with the coloured over embossing cancel on them:

£15- $400.00 £300-$600.00

No Watermark

1900 No Watermark Perf 12 Thick & Thin paper


6d-$10.00 1/--$10.00 2/--$10.00 2/6-$10.00 3/--$10.00 5/--$10.00 7/6d-$10.00 10/--$10.00 15/--$10.00 £100-$30.00 £200- $30.00 £300-$30.00 £500-$30.00

BUYER BEWARE PLEASE READ! The prices below are for GENUINE USED COPIES with the coloured over embossing cancel on them:

6d-$10.00 1/--$10.00 2/--$10.00 2/6-$10.00 3/--$15.00 5/--$10.00 7/6d-$25.00 10/--$10.00 15/--$25.00

Prices above are for genuine used copies with the over-embossing cancel. Red = Brisbane Office. Blue = Rockhampton Office. Brown = Townsville Office. Blue or Brown cancel add 30%. The no watermark values were possibly supplied to make up incomplete presentation packs which were sold to collectors at 10/- per set in 1901.

Presentation Sets sold to the public at 10/- a set of 63 and sets given free to Parliamentarians. All are with FULL GUM

BUYER BEWARE Please READ:  *NOTE These Presentation Sets are NOT MINT or MINT UNHINGED they are best described as CTO FULL GUM. Some rouge sellers are purposely miss-describing these revenues BUYER BEWARE

BUYER BEWARE rouge sellers are printing their own and describing them as 'Archive copies' this is of course TOTAL NONSENSE.
No archive copies exist.

1901 Presentation Set of 63 [sold to collectors at 10/- per set] with part Colourless embossed treasury cancel -$750.00

1901 Presentation Set of 63 with part Colourless embossed treasury cancel and Horizontally overprinted 'CANCELLED' in black-$800.00

Presentation Set of 63 with part Colourless embossed treasury cancel and Horizontally overprinted 'CANCELLED' in black and Black quarter ring-$800.00

1901 Presentation Set of 63 with part Colourless embossed treasury cancel and Horizontally overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in black-$800.00

1901 Presentation Set of 63 with part Colourless embossed treasury cancel and vertically overprinted 'CANCELLED' in blue-$1500.00

1901 Presentation Set of 63 with FULL CENTRAL Queens Head Colourless embossed treasury cancel-$1200.00

1901 Presentation Set of 63 with part Colourless embossed treasury cancel and black treasury date stamp-$1000.00

1901 Presentation Set of 63 with part or full black ring cancel-$800.00

BUYER BEWARE Please READ this: Many 'sets' have damaged stamps like embossed ring cutting into stamp. Some have no gum probably washed off rust. Some sets are simply made up from a few broken sets i.e. some with CANCELLED some without these cannot be classed as a 'Presentation set' as they were NOT issued this way and better described as 'made up set from various broken sets' - ALL These must be by negotiation

The Embossing cancel used to deface the remainders which reads STAMP OFFICE TREASURY BRISBANE

Mint set of 63-$3000.00

SPECIMEN overprint in red and red over-embossing cancel [incomplete set known] $300.00 per stamp


1901 King Edward VII

Die I                   Die II   

1901 Watermark Crown/Q [6½mm] Sideways left or right, Perf 12 or 12½ Mint x 2. Wmk upright on 1d and 2d. Wmk upright on [Die II] x 5

1d-50c 2d[Die I]-$1.50 2d[Die II]-.50 3d-$3.00 6d-$3.00 1/--$4.00 2/--$5.00 2/6d-$5.00 3/--$8.00 5/--$5.00

Unlike QV issues, Edward's were for record or presentation purposes only and were never sold to the public, none sent to UPU, hence any survivors imperf on unwatermarked paper are generally unique and exceedingly rare

Head essay-$2000.00

1d - 6d - 2/-, 2/6 - 10s Imperf essays [5 values only - unique in private hands, - missing from Royal Collection, this group of 5 was presented to KEDVII in 1901 which he rejected and sold to a London stamp dealer]-$10,000.00

1d-£5 set of 12 imperf zinc-cut colour trials [unique set - missing from Royal Collection]-$8000.00

2/- 10/- 20/- £5  [later 3 composite horizontal] imperf zinc-cuts printed in blue with black corner ring cancel [Unique group of 4 - missing from Royal Collection]-$4000.00

1d-£5 set of 12 imperf zinc-cuts in close to issued colours with corner colourless treasury embossed cancel [unique set - missing from Royal Collection]-$5000.00

1d-£5 set of 12 imperf zinc-cuts in issued colours-[handstamp SPECIMEN, unique set - missing from Royal Collection]-$10,000.00

1d-5/- set as issued wmked to 5/- CTO full or ¼ black ring-$1600.00

1d-imperf on wmked paper [handstamped CANCELLED]-$100.00

1dor2d [with Royal Cypher stamp at right]-$250.00

1d[Imperf between horizontal pair with wmk upright 1901 printing]-$2500.00


1907 Watermark Crown/Q [8½mm] Upright except 1d and 2d, Perf 12½ Mint x 2. Wmk upright on 1d or 2d x 3

1d-50c 2d[Die II]-50c 3d-$1.00 6d-$1.00 1/--$2.00 2/--$3.00 2/6d-$2.00 3/--$4.00 5/--$3.00 10/--$20.00 20/--$40.00 £5-$750.00

Perforated set as issued,[handstamped SPECIMEN] -$1000.00


1901 King Edward VII



Light Blue                                            Blue                                       Black on Green

1901 Light blue 6d - 5/-, Green 10/- & 15/- on white paper Watermark Crown/Q [6½mm] Perf irregular 12½-13 Mint x 3

6d-$8.00 1/--$5.00 2/--$25.00 2/6d-$25-00 3/--$30.00 4/--$75.00 5/--$40.00 10/-[green]-$80.00 15/-[green]-$125.00

Single value with selvage top & bottom & black corner ring cancel-$250.00ea

CTO black part ring cancel to 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 1/3d, 1/6d, 2/-, 2/6d, 3/-, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-, 10/-, 15/- [3d, 9d, 1/3d, 1/6d & 6/- unissued in this light blue colour] $80.00ea

1901 Error of colour - Grey

1/-[grey]-$300.00 2/-[grey]-$300.00


1903 Black on green paper Watermark Crown/Q [6½mm] Perf irregular 12½-13 Inverted Wmk x 2 Mint x 5

6d-$25.00 1/--$20.00 2/--$30.00 2/6d-$15.00 4/--$150.00 7/--$150.00 7/6d-$100.00 10/--$25.00 12/6d-$100.00 13/--$200.00 14/--$200.00 15/--$150.00 17/6d-$50.00 20/--$50.00 30/--$60.00 40/--$400.00 £3-$300.00 £15-$300.00 £20-$150.00

Imperf plate proof in issued colour 6d[unique in private hands]-$3000.00

SPECIMEN overprint in red and red over-embossing cancel [incomplete set known] $300.00ea


1907 Blue on white paper Watermark Crown/Q [8½mm] Perf irregular 12½-13 Inverted Wmk x 2 Mint x 5

3d-$350.00 6d-$10.00 1/--$3.00 1/3d-$400.00 2/--$25.00 2/6d-$15.00 3/--$20.00 4/--$20.00 5/--$5.00  7/6-$40.00 8/--$400.00 10/--$10.00 12/6d-$35.00 15/--$15.00 17/6d-$35.00 20/--$30.00 40/--$30.00

15/--Printers file copy crayon stroke cancel-$250.00


1908 Other colours on white paper Watermark Crown/Q [8½mm] Perf irregular 12½-13 Mint x 10. Some very small print runs inc 1 sheet of 60 of the £500.

2/--brown-$30.00 2/6d-brown-$30.00 21/--pink-$250.00 30/--purple-$80.00 40/-rose-$300.00 45/-rose-$350.00 £3-orange-brown-$300.00 £11*-violet-blue-$300.00 £12-violet-blue-$300.00  £14-blue-$400.00 £30-purple-$80.00 £100-very light bistre-$600.00

*£11-Caveat - reported by graphic only. Unseen in the 'flesh' by this author

£500[unique in private hands]-red-$5000.00

£500-Die Proof-zinc-cut in black-$5000.00

£500-colour trial-zinc-cut in blue perfed with or without black CTO part ring - Archives only. Beware of forgeries.

Imperf colour trial 21/-[unique in private hands]-$3000.00

SPECIMEN overprint in red and red over-embossing cancel [incomplete set known] $300.00ea


1916 King George  V

1916 Watermark Crown/Q upright. Perf 12½. Mint x 5

1d-$2.00 2d-$2.00 3d-$2.00 4d-$60.00 6d-$5.00 8d-$80.00 1/--$3.00 2/--$15.00 2/6-$3.00 3/-[blue]-$15.00 3/-[green]-$18.00 5/--$15.00 10/--$25.00 20/--$45.00 £5-$250.00

Inverted Wmk x 10

Perf 10x10 x 10

Perf 10½x10½ x 10

Perf 10x11 x 5

Perf 11x11 x 5

Perf 11x10½ x 5

Perf 13x12¼ x 5

Compound Perf 10½x11 or 11x10½ x 20

Imperf Proofs-Four only in private hands 3d, 4d, 8d, 1/- -$100.00 each

2d-perforated proof, plain paper, selvage top and bottom-$2500.00each


1919 Emergency Printing, No Watermark security back print [5 different fonts QUEENSLAND DUTY STAMP in blue] Perf 12½ Mint x 3



1928 Watermark Crown/Q sideways left or right Perf 12½ Mint x 3

1d-$1.00 2d-$1.00 3d-$1.00 4d-$100.00 6d-$5.00 1/--$3.00 2/--$15.00 2/6-$3.00 3/--$40.00 5/--$15.00 10/--$25.00 20/--$45.00

1d-Reversed Wmk x 20

SPECIMEN overprint [red with mixed watermarks no 4d or 8d] Set-$2500.00

SPECIMEN overprint [black with mixed watermarks all values] Set-$5000.00


1916 King George  V


1916 Watermark Crown/Q [8½mm] upright. Inverted watermark x 3. Perf 12½. Mint x 5

4d-$3.00 6d-$2.00 8d-$5.00 1/--$1.00 1/6d-$10.00 2/--$5.00 2/6d-$2.00 3/--$5.00 4/--$5.00 5/-- $1.00  6/--$7.00 7/--$7.00 7/6d-$7.00 8/--$7.00 9/--$8.00 10/--$1.00 11/--$30.00 12/--$30.00 12/6d-$15.00 13/--$40.00 14/--$40.00  15/--$20.00 16/--$40.00 17/--$30.00 17/6d-$45.00 18/--$40 19/--$200.00 20/--$10.00 25/--$25.00 30/--$25.00 40/--$25.00 45/--$25.00 £3-$25.00 £4-$25.00 £5-$20.00 £6-$25.00 £7-$20.00 £8-$20.00 £9-$20.00 £10-$15.00 £11-$50.00 £12-$45.00 £13-$50.00 £14-$50.00 £15-$25.00 £16-$50.00 £17-$50.00 £18-$50.00 £19-$50.00 £20-$30.00 £30-$40.00 £40-$20.00 £50-$60.00 £60-$50.00 £70-$60.00 £80-$60.00 £90-$80.00 £100-$175.00 £200-$250.00 £300-$350.00 £500-$220.00 £1000-$500.00 

Imperf Proofs-$100.00ea

10/--double print-$200.00


1928 Watermark Crown/Q [6½mm] sideways left or right Perf 12½. Mint x 5

3d-$30.00 4d-$2.00 6d-$1.00 8d-$5.00 1/--$1.00 1/3d-$300.00 1/6d-$10.00 2/--$5.00 2/6d-$2.00 3/--$5.00 4/--$5.00 5/-- $1.00  6/--$7.00 7/--$7.00 7/6d-$7.00 8/--$7.00  9/--$10.00 10/--$1.00 11/--$30.00 12/--$30.00 12/6d-$15.00 13/--$40.00 14/--$30.00 15/--$20.00 16/--$40.00 17/--$30.00 17/6d-$45.00 19/--$150.00 20/--$10.00 21/--$300.00 25/--$25.00 30/--$25.00 40/--$25.00 £3-$25.00 £4-$25.00 £5-$20.00 £6-$25.00 £7-$20.00 £8-$20.00 £9-$20.00 £10-$30.00 £11-$50.00 £12-$45.00 £13-$50.00  £14-$40.00 £15-$25.00 £20-$30.00 £30-$40.00 £40-$20.00 £50-$60.00 £60-$50.00 £70-$ 60.00 £80-$60.00 £90-$80.00 £100-$100.00 £200-$150.00 £300-$250.00 £500-$220.00

SPECIMEN overprint in red and red over-embossing cancel [incomplete set known with mixed watermarks] $200.00ea


1938 Numeral

1938 Watermark Crown/Q sideways left or right Perf 10-14¼ Mint x 2 compound x 3

1d-$1.00 2d-50c 3d-$1.00 4d-$50.00 6d-$2.00 8d-$75.00 9d-$15.00 1/--$1.00 2/--$2.00 2/6d-$2.00 3/-[blue]-$8.00 5/--$2.00 10/--$10.00 20/--$10.00 £5-$40.00 £10-$400.00

1d-[imperf at right between margin]-$300.00

2d[imperf at top between margin ]-$400.00

2d[imperf between horizontal pair ]-$750.00

1d[Perf 11 misaligned, re-perf 14]-$200.00

10/-[Compound perf 10½x14x12x12½]-$250.00

SPECIMEN overprint[1d-£10, no 8d ]-Unique Set-$1500.00

1d-£10 Imperf proof set [1d proof is perforated, some on setters sheets]-$800.00


Grey Security Under-print [always very faint] with SHELL company overprint


1940 Grey Security Under-print upright. Perf 10-14 Mint x 3 compound x 3

1d-$20.00 2d-$100.00

1d-[Inverted Underprint]-$50.00

2d-[Inverted Underprint]-$80.00


Grey Security Backprint

1940 Grey Security Back-print upright. Perf 10-14 Mint x 3 compound x 3

1d-$10.00 2d-$30.00 3d-$75.00


Blue Security Overprint 'QUEENSLANDDUTY' repeated

1956 Blue Security Overprint upright. Perf 14 Mint x 2

1d-$5.00 2d-$10.00 3d-$10.00 6d-$10.00 1/--$10.00 2/--$300.00

1d-[Inverted Overprint]-$150.00


1938 Over embossing cancel

With over embossing cancel

Any value-$80-00


1939 Impressed Numeral

1939 Watermark Crown/Q sideways left or right. Perf 10-14¼ Mint x 5

1d-$60.00 2d-$50.00 3d-$10.00 4d-$5.00 6d-$1.00 8d-$5.00 9d-$90.00 1/--$1.00 1/3d-$35.00 1/4d-$45.00 1/6d-$10.00 2/--$5.00  2/6d-$5.00 3/--$10.00 4/--$5.00 5/--$5.00 6/--$15.00 7/--$35.00 7/6-$15.00 8/--$25.00 9/--$35.00 10/--50c 11/--$55.00 12/--$40.00 12/6d-$15.00 13/--$100.00 14/--$10.00 15/--$3.00 16/--$10.00 17/--$55.00 17/6d-$15.00 18/--$10.00 19/--$100.00 20/--$10.00  25/--$8.00 30/--$10.00 40/--$5.00 50/--$10.00 £3-$5.00 £4-$3.00 £5-$3.00 £6-$5.00 £7-$10.00 £8-$15.00 £9-$15.00 £10-$5.00 £11-$20.00  £12-$25.00 £13-$55.00 £14-$100.00 £15-$35.00 £16-$60.00 £17-$100.00 £18-$120.00 £19-$150.00 £20-$200.00 [for smaller £20-$10.00 see below] £30-$25.00 £40-$25.00 £50-$30.00 £60-$30.00 £70-$40.00 £80-$20.00 £90-$60.00 £100red/purple-$40.00 £100red/blue-$40.00 £200-$60.00 £300-$300.00 £400-$800.00 £500-$300.00 £1000-$450.00 £5000-$8000.00

£50[Error of colour printed in the colour of the £40]-$1500.00

1d-£1000 Imperf proof set [some on setters sheets]-$2000.00

Set-Hand stamped SPECIMEN overprint in violet and red over-embossing cancel-set 1d - £5000.00.00-$10,000.00


Grey Security Backprint

1940 Security Backprint upright or inverted Perf 10-14 Mint x 10

4d-$150.00 6d-$150.00 2/6d-$150.00 25/--$300.00 £9-$250.00 £14-$450.00


1960 Watermark Crown/Q Perf 10-14 Mint x 3 

£20-[smaller 17x32mm]-$10.00


1960 No Watermark Perf 12. Price is for mint or used



1960 Security Under-print [as 1956 blue numeral security overprint above] Perf 10-14

£5000-$8000.00. Price is for mint or used

£5000-Imperf vertically between-$20,000.00


1966 Numeral

1966 Watermark Crown/Q sideways left or right PVA shiny gum  Perf 14 Perfins x 3 Precancels x 3 Mint x 10

1c-$1.00 2c-$1.00 3c-$1.00 4c-$2.00 5c-$1.00 6c$1.00 8c-$6.00 10c-.50c 20c-$1.00 25c-$1.50 30c-$1.00 50c-$2.00 $1-$2.00 $2-$3.00 $5[brown]-$8.00 $10-$15.00 $20-$35.00

1970 6con5c-$20.00Mint or used

Proofs [imperf on setters sheets] 1c-$20-$400.00


1967 [EKD on 2c 1-9-67] No Watermark Blue security underprint [reading up or down] PVA shiny gum  Perf 14 Precancels x 3 Mint x 3

2c[overprint horizontal]-.10c 4c-$3.00 5c-.50c 6c[overprint horizontal upright or inverted*]-$5.00 10c-.50c 10c-[as well as overprint horizontal]-$10.00 20c-$20.00 25c[dark brown with overprint horizontal]-$10.00 25c[light brown with overprint vertical]-.50c 30c-$1.00 50c[brown]-$1.00 50c[green]-$1.00 $1-$1.00 $2-$2.00 $4-$3.00 $5-$8.00 $10-$10.00 $20-$10.00

10c-[Imperf] -$50.00

*6c[overprint horizontal inverted]-$50.00

Proofs [full gum security overprint imperf] 20c-$20.00 25c-$25.00 50c-$25.00 $1-$75.00 $2-$100.00 $4-$150.00


1978 No Watermark Blue security underprint [reading up or down] White PVA shiny gum Rectangular railway Hyphen Perf 9 Mint with gum ONLY

10c-$10.00 25c[cream gum]-$50.00 50c-$30.00 $2-$60.00

10c-[Imperf between vertical pair][beware of forgeries]-$400.00


1980 No Watermark Blue security underprint [reading up or down] Tropical flat gum Rectangular railway Hyphen Perf 9 Mint x 2

5c-$3.00 10c-$3.00 25c-$5.00 30c-$5.00 $1-$45.00 $2-$4.00 $10-$15.00 $20-$15.00 $50[overprint horizontal]-$20.00 $100[overprint horizontal]-$20.00 $200[overprint horizontal Perf 5½ or 9]-$400.00

10c-[Imperf between vertical pair][beware of forgeries]-$400.00

10c-[Imperf horizontally][full sheets are in the market place]-$50.00pair

$100[used pair]-$400.00

Proof Set to $200 Set-$600.00


1989 No Watermark, thin plain paper. Tropical flat gum Roulette Prices are for MINT stamps used deduct 50%


1989 No Watermark. As above but on an under printed brown grid tint print for added security. Tropical flat gum Roulette 5½ x black vertical roulette Prices are for MINT stamps used deduct 50%


$6-Marginal imperf x black vertical roulette -$450.00 Mint only


1989 No Watermark Blue security underprint [reading up or down] Tropical flat gum 10c Roulette 9. $4 Roulette 10½ Prices are for MINT stamps used deduct 50%

10c.$2 $1-$75.00 $4-$35

10c-Misplaced horizontal roulette, mint only-$25.00


1966 Impressed Numeral

Used at Brisbane, Rockhampton & Townsville as back up in case of power failure

1966 Watermark Crown/Q sideways left or right Perf 14 On document x 3.

Many mint stamps have escaped into the public's hand's and are worth a tenth of the below genuine used stamps

2c-$150.00 3c-$150.00 8c-$250.00 25c-$150.00 30c-$150.00 40c-$150.00 50c-$150.00 70c-$150.00  $1-$150.00 $1.50c-$300.00 $1.75c-$500.00 $2-$200.00 $2.50-$500.00 $4-$250.00 $5-$250.00 $6-$250.00 $10-$180.00 $12-$250.00 $14-$250.00 $16-$250.00 $18-$250.00 $40-$250.00 $60-$250.00 $80-$250.00 $100-$400.00 $120-$800.00


Imperf-Proofs:-1c-2c-3c-5c-8c-10c-20c-30c-40c-50c-60c-70c-75c-80c-90c-$1-$1.25-$1.50c-$1.75c-$2-$2.50c-$4-$5-$6-$8-$10-$12-$14-$16-$18-$20-$40-$60-$80-$100-$120-$140-$160- $180-$200-$400-$600-$1000 - Set[on setters sheets]-$4000.00


Handstamped SPECIMEN overprint in violet and red over-embossing cancel. Unique Set-$12,000.00


Direct Print



Gold Mine Transfer

1899 On document x 4




Births Deaths & Marriages

1917 On document x 2




Manuscript Duty


From1892 On document x 2






No stamps available at Wardens Office Croydon

From1892 On document x 2





Register Imprints 1965-1994

Revenue Stamped paper




Sterling 2/6d







By collector negotiation or $5-$50ea On document x 4


Commissioners Adjudication


1887 Two fonts. [a] Apostrophe high as in the one above and [b] the Apostrophe level with top COMMISSIONER'S


CTO black ring and handstamped 'CANCELLED'-$125.00

CTO black ring-$75.00

Used with red over-embossing-$750.00

On full document-$1000.00



Consideration Nil

 Duty of nil consideration 50c. Instrument to be re-produced for further stamping.


1985 Exempt

By collector negotiation or $10-$50ea



Revenue Stamped paper


On Capital


Cut out-$80.00

On full document-$250.00





Cut out-$40.00

On full document-$250.00



Succession Duty


Cut out-$30.00

On full document-$250.00



Cut out-$10.00

On full document-$25.00






Cut out-$10.00

On full document-$25.00

1984 Exempt


Cut out-$10.00

On full document-$25.00


Fine Paid

Revenue Stamped paper

Violet Brisbane
Brown Townsville

Colourless embossed cancel


Brisbane                                                                     Townsville


Townsville                                                                                        Rockhampton


Cut out from-$10.00

On full document-$50.00

With Colourless over embossed cancel-$100.00

Townsville Fine Paid cancel-$35.00

Townsville dated Fine Paid cancel-$50.00

Rockhampton Fine Paid-$35.00


Duplicate Hand Stamps

Revenue Stamped paper




1868-1901 Cut out-$30.00 On full document-$300.00


Direct Print

1886 Cut out. Full document-$150.00

Round Register Nil value-$25.00

Duplicate £1/15/--$25.00



1899-1921 Cut out-$25.00 On full document-$180.00







1922-1930 Cut out-$15.00 On full document-$100.00


Duplicate Provisional Offices




1868-1901 Cut out-$80.00 On full document-$400.00

Inverted value x 2



1921-1930 Cut out-$40.00 On full document-$300.00
Green Straight line TOWNSVILLE at base-$50.00


1940 Cut out-$10.00 On full document-$30.00




Manuscript value 1868-1901

1868-1901 Cut out-$80.00 On full document-$450.00




1940 Cut out-$20.00 On full document-$60.00


Miscellaneous Hand Stamps

Revenue Stamped paper

On Capital


Cut out-$10.00

On full document-$25.00


Electric Telegraph

Revenue Stamped paper


1880 on telegram x 3

1/--$200.00 1/-[perf 12 from presentation set]-$250.00

Die Proof-$400.00


Fiscal postal stamps used to pay electric telegraph fee [over payment by 1/-]


2/6d pair on telegram-$500.00


1966 Corporate Affairs

Revenue Stamped paper




1980[provisional $5on$1]

$5.00on $1.00-$20.00





1966-1994 Registrar of Titles

Revenue Stamped paper



1966 $1.50-$10.00

1975 $3.00-$6.00

1986 $4.00-$20.00

1987 $5.00-$10.00

1989 $6.00 ADHESIVE [see above in adhesive section] No Watermark Plain or brown grid security underprint paper. Tropical flat gum Roulette 5x12 compound or 10.5 Mint x 2



Postal Notes 1880

Revenue Stamped paper

Issued in sheets of 4 [1x4]

1880 Watermarked up down or reversed 'ELECTORS RIGHT/QUEENSLAND in hollow capitals [you can see a sideways D in lower right corner of the butt]

Prices are for used notes

1/-[½d poundage]-$2000.00 2/6d[1d poundage]-$2000.00 5/-[2d poundage]-$2000.00 10/-[3d poundage]-$2000.00

1/--10/-Imperf Proof set 4-$2000.00

1/--10/-Specimen handstamp set 4-$2000.00

Fee Stamp cut outs-$30.00



From Telegram Booklet

Reverse printed for use as payment for a telegram.

1880 Watermarked up down or reversed 'ELECTORS RIGHT/QUEENSLAND in hollow capitals

1/-[½d poundage]-$2000.00 Prices are for a used note

1/-[½d poundage]-$2500.00 Prices are for a used note as a telegram

1/-[butt reads Post & Telegraph Department under Postal Note No.]-Specimen hand stamp in violet-$150.00

½d-Fee Stamp cut out-$30.00

All ½d fee stamp dies have no stop



New Watermark

1887 Watermarked upright inverted or inverted reversed 'QUEENSLAND' [curved] 'POSTAL NOTE' [straight] in hollow capitals with Crown between two lines

Prices are for a used notes

1/-[½d poundage]-$400.00 2/6d[1d poundage]-$400.00 5/-[2d poundage]-$400.00 10/-[3d poundage]-$400.00

Fee Stamp cut outs-$30.00


Fee Stamp Die of the 1887 Issue

Four master Electro-Coppered Nickel-Faced Postal Note Plate ordered from Perkins Bacon Printers of London and sent to the Queensland Lithographic Office

The 1860 Chalon Head, head die was inserted into a newly engraved frame



Reverse printed for use as payment for a telegram.

1887 Watermarked upright inverted or inverted reversed 'QUEENSLAND' [curved] 'POSTAL NOTE' [straight] in hollow capitals with Crown between two lines

1/--$2500.00 Prices are for a used note

1/-[½d poundage]-$3000.00 Prices are for a used note as a telegram

½d-Fee Stamp cut out-$30.00

All ½d fee stamp dies have no stop



1891 Watermarked upright or inverted 'QUEENSLAND' [curved] 'POSTAL NOTE' [straight] in hollow capitals with Crown between two lines

1/--20/-Specimen overprint set of 14-$5000.00 3 sets recorded

No used notes have survived to date



Larger than the 1891 issue Payable in 'New South Wales' added

Part note unique survivor

1893 Watermarked upright or inverted 'QUEENSLAND' [curved] 'POSTAL NOTE' [straight] in hollow capitals with Crown between two lines

Prices are for a used part note

From a 2/--4/6d note[1d poundage]-$600.00 part note unique survivor


Poundage Dies of the 1891 & 1893 Issue

One master Electro-Coppered Nickel-Faced Postal Note Plate ordered from Perkins Bacon Printers of London and sent to the Queensland Lithographic Office.

The 1887 Perkins Bacon postage head die was inserted into a newly engraved frame which shows several secondary transfer flaws


                                                                    Die1 1891 issue                                                   Die11 1893

Die 1 ONE PENNY close, inner oval damage under Y, 0 of ONE touching frame. Die 11 ONE PENNY wide, broken 0 in ONE


½d shows flawed G and head oval also lage parts of the inner oval under H and PENNY exist. 2d showing similar inner oval damage



Edward head taken from 1901 Impressed revenue series with additional engraving under medals was inserted into a newly engraved frame

Part note

1902 Watermarked upright or inverted 'QUEENSLAND' [curved] 'POSTAL NOTE' [straight] in hollow capitals with Crown between two lines

6d-$1,000.00 This is an uncashed 1907 No1 note, it is in poor condition, see picture above, a possible specimen.

Part Note 1908-$700.00



Altered side inscription Imprint at base 'Govt Printing Office Brisbane'

Unique single note to survive to date

1911 Watermarked upright or inverted 'QUEENSLAND' [curved] 'POSTAL NOTE' [straight] in hollow capitals with Crown between two lines

2/--$600.00 7/6d-$2,000.00

The 2/- note was sold by Status auctions in 2016 for $450.00, it was stained and in poor condition. The 7/6d [see picture] is in very good condition and would comand a large premium hence my pricing.


For Queensland Commonwealth Postal Notes see the Commonwealth Revenue Page



1930 Watermark multi CofA perf 12



Local Government Fees

Revenue Stamped paper

Admission ticket



St. Helena Island Landing Fee



1988 Camp Stamps


1988 No Watermark Roulette 9 Tropical flat gum On document x 2

50c-$30.00 $2-$40.00 $5-$60.00 $7-$80.00

Fee for camping in National Parks was collected by National parks & Wildlife


Dump Fees

From Various Councils

From 1986



Parking Fees

From Various Councils

From 1966

50c-$1.00 $1.00-$1.00 $2.00-$1.50


Beer Duty

Kegs: 1885

Duty Rate 3d per gallon

1885 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12 Mint or Used same price

2/3d-$350.00 4/6d-$350.00 6/9d-$350.00 12/9d-$250.00

2/3=9gallons green blue, 4/6=18gallons black, 6/9=27gallons blue, 12/9=51gallons-hogshead brown


The following two security back-prints were issued simultaneously

1886 Security Back-Print [beer Q duty] Perf 12 Mint or Used same price

2/3d-$400.00 4/6d-$400.00 6/9d-$500.00 9/--$1500.00 12/9d-$250.00

9/-=36gallons pink


1886 Security Back-Print [multi-crowns] Perf 12 Mint or Used same price

2/3d-$400.00 12/9d-$400.00


1886 No Watermark [Printed on local unwatermarked paper] Perf 12 Mint or Used same price

6/9d-$500.00 12/9d-[unseen]-$500.00


Kegs: 1897

Duty Rate 3d per gallon

1897 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12.

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.

1/3-$150.00 2/--$50.00 2/3d-$150.00 2/6d-$250.00 4/6d-$250.00 6/6d-$250.00 6/9d-$200.00 9/--$350.00 12/9d-$100.00

1/3=5gallons mauve, 2/-=8gallons rosine, 2/6=10gallons lilac, 4/6=18gallons blue, 6/6=26gallons brown, 9/-=36gallons blackish-green, 12/9=51gallons-hogshead red

Imperf Essay 12/9d-$800.00

Hand stamped or manuscript SPECIMEN, CANCELLED or Black CTO ring or corner cancel or two or all three-$150.00ea

Imperf 2/--$600.00


Bottles: 1885

Duty Rate 3d per gallon bottled

1885 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12 Mint x 2

3d-$150.00 6d-$170.00 1/--$125.00 1/3d-$200.00 2/--$150.00 2/3d-$200.00 4/6-$200.00 6/9d-$250.00 9/--$350.00 

3d=1gallon brown, 6d=2gallons lilac, 1/-=4gallons red, 1/3=5gallons yellow, 2/-=8gallons lake, 2/3=9gallons green, 2/6=10gallons blue, 4/6=18gallons black, 6/9=27gallons, 12/9=51gallons-hogshead brown

Imperf Proofs-$300.00ea


1885 Security Back-Print [lithographed crown]  Perf 12 Mint x 2

3d-$150.00 1/--$125.00 1/3d-$200.00 2/--$150.00 2/3d-$200.00 4/6d-$200.00 6/9d-$250.00 9/--$300.00 12/9d-$2500.00


1885 No Watermark Perf 12 Mint x 2

3d-$150.00 1/--$125.00 2/3d-$200.00 4/6d-$200.00

3d-[part local paper makers YEE wmk]-$350.00

4/6-[part local paper makers EE wmk(not BEER)]-$350.00


Bottles: 1898

Duty Rate 3d per gallon bottled

1898 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12 Mint x 2

3d-$60.00 6d-$30.00 1/--$30.00 1/3d-$30.00 2/--$30.00 2/3d-$40.00 2/6d-$40.00 4/6d-$80.00 6/6d-$80.00 9/--$150.00 12/9d- $80.00

3d=1gallon bistre, 6d=2gallons orange-bistre, 1/-=4gallons yellow-green, 1/3=5gallons lilac, 2/-=8gallons yellow,2/6=10gallons violet, 4/6-18gallons blue, 6/6=26gallons brown, 9/-=36gallons blackish-green, 12/9 51gallons-hogshead rose-pink

Hand stamped SPECIMEN, CANCELLED or Black CTO corner cancel or two or all three-$80.00ea


State/Commonwealth Issues 1901-1920 Notes:

1. Beer Stamps were made uniform throughout the Australian States on 8/10/01

2. Internal Correspondence and Memoranda - Correspondence re Transfer of Beer Duty Stamps Accounts from Department of Trade and Customs to the Postmaster General's Department 11.4.1906


Kegs: 1901 Provisional State/Commonwealth, as per Commonwealth Legislation

Duty Rate 2d on bulk beer brewed from barley, malt & hops exclusively. Provisional Surcharge

1901 Watermark Crown/Q Perf 12 1899 Remainders either handstamped in blue or violet or overprinted in black

Prices are for USED copies.

4/3d[violet handstamp]on4/6d-$2500.00

4/3d[typographed subcharge in black]on4/6d-unseen

6/3d[lilac-grey][blue handstamp]on6/6d-$2500.00

6/3d[lilac-grey][violet handstamp]on6/6d-$2500.00

6/3d[brown][typographed subcharge in black]on6/6d-$250.00

8/3d[brown][typographed subcharge in black]on9/--unseen

12/6d[typographed subcharge in black]on12/9d-$450.00

12/6d[no wmk][typographed subcharge in black]on12/9d-$450.00

4/3=17gallons blue, 6/3=25gallons lilac-grey, 8/3=33gallons blackish-green, 12/6=50gallons red


Kegs: 1902 State/Commonwealth

Duty Rate 3d on bulk beer brewed from barley, malt & hops exclusively

1902 No Watermark 3 x grey vertical lithographed Burelé bands on reverse Perf 12. SPECIMEN 50%.

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.


6/3=25gallons brown


1902 Watermark Crown/Q Perf 12

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.


6/3d[wmk plus grey litho Burelé band on reverse]-unseen


12/6d[wmk plus grey litho Burelé band on reverse]-unseen

6/3=25gallons brown, 12/6=50gallons red on 51 gallons red [barrel resize only]


Kegs: 1902-18 State/Commonwealth

Duty Rate 2d per gallon on bulk beer brewed from barley, malt & hops exclusively

1902 Watermark Crown/Q Imperf.

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.

4d-$250.00 10d-$250.00 1/6-$250.00 1/8-$250.00 2/6-$250.00 2/10-$300.00 4/2-$300.00 5/6-$450.00 8/4-$600.00

4d=2gallons, 10d=5gallons, 1/6=9gallons, 1/8=10gallons, 2/6=15gallons, 2/10=kilderkin, 4/2=half hogshead 5/6barrel 8/4=hogshead


1902 Watermark V/Crown Imperf.

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.

4d-$250.00 10d-$250.00 1/6-$250.00 1/8-$250.00 2/6-$250.00 2/10-$350.00 4/2-$350.00

4d=2gallons, 10d=5gallons, 1/6=9gallons 1/8=10gallons, 2/6=15gallons


Kegs: 1903-14 N-E-I  State/Commonwealth

[N-E-I = Not Elsewhere Included in the duty schedule of excise duties]

Duty Rate 3d per gallon on bulk beer brewed from barley, malt & hops exclusively

1903 Watermark Crown/Q Imperf. with or without 'No.........'

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.

6d-$400.00 1/3-$400.00 2/3-$400.00 2/6-$400.00 3/9-$400.00 4/3-$450.00 6/3-$1000.00 8/3-$500.00 12/6-$500.00

6d=2gallons, 1/3=5gallons, 2/3=9gallons 3/9=15gallons 4/3=kilderkin

Manuscript Specimen 6d-$350.00

Handstamped Specimen-$350.00each

Proofs on plain paper-1/3, 2/3, 3/9-from $400.00 each


1903 Watermark V/Crown Imperf. SPECIMEN same as mint price

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.

6d-$800.00 1/3-$600.00

6d=2gallons, 1/3=5gallons, 6/3=half hogshead burgundy


1903 Watermark V/Crown Imperf

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.




Kegs: 24.12.1912 N-E-I State/Commonwealth

[N-E-I = Not Elsewhere Included in the duty schedule of excise duties]

1912 Watermark Crown/Q Imperf Mint x 2

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.


6/6=half hogshead brown


Kegs: 3.12.1914-17 N-E-I State/Commonwealth

[N-E-I = Not Elsewhere Included in the duty schedule of excise duties]

Proofs-5/-[ 10gallons blue], 8/6[kilderkin green], 10/-[10gallons blue], 13/-[half hogshead violet], 17/-[kilderkin green], 26/-[hogshead brown], 26/-[hogshead violet]-$1000.00each No used copies of this series have survived to date.


Bottles: 1901-18 Provisional State/Commonwealth, as per Commonwealth Legislation


Duty Rate 2d per ½ dozen bottles brewed from barley, malt & hops exclusively

1901 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12 with random perf 12 for ease of separation. 1898 issue surplus: Half [top or bottom] from each stamp placed on cart note and cart note butt

Mint examples unseen

Used examples either top or bottom half-6d-$800.00 1/--$800.00 2/--$800.00 2/6-$800.00 9/--$1000.00 [rejoined pairs x3]


Bottles: 1903-18 State/Commonwealth

Duty Rate 3d per ½ dozen bottles brewed from barley, malt & hops exclusively

1903 Watermark V/Crown Imperf.

Prices are for Mint. USED copies x2.

4d-$350.00 8d-$350.00 1/--$350.00 1/4-$350.00 1/8-$350.00 2/--$300.00 2/8-$350.00 3/4-$400.00 4/--$300.00

4d=1dozen black on pink, 8d=2dozen brown on blue, 1/-=3dozen brown on yellow, 1/4=4dozen blue on pink, 1/8=5dozen black on grey, 2/-=6dozen black on grey, 2/8=8dozen black on blue, 3/4=10dozen black on yellow, 4/-=12dozen black on rose


 Bottles: 1903-14 N-E-I State/Commonwealth

[N-E-I = Not Elsewhere Included in the duty schedule of excise duties]


Duty Rate 3d per ½ dozen bottles

1903 Watermark Crown/Q  Imperf. Price is for full stamp Mint.

Full stamp USED x 2. ½ stamp used x 2. Half stamps [above] are from cart note other half remained on the butt.

1/--$400.00 1/6d-$500.00 2/--$500.00 3/--$500.00 4/--$500.00 5/--$500.00 6/--$500.00 10/--$500.00

1/-=2 dozen brown, 1/6=3 dozen lilac, 2/-=4 dozen deep olive, 3/-=6 dozen lake, 4/=8 dozen blue, 5/-=10 dozen black, 6/-=12 dozen orange, 10/-=20 dozen green

Proofs on plain paper-1/-[2dozen brown], 1/-[2dozen yellow], 2/6[5dozen olive]-from $750.00ea


1903 Watermark V/Crown Imperf. Price is for full stamp mint.

Full stamp USED x 2. ½ stamp used x 2. Half stamps [above] are from cart note other half remained on the butt.

6d-$400.00 1/--$400.00 1/6-$500.00 2/6-$500.00 5/--$500.00

6d=1dozen green, 1/-=2dozen yellow, 1/6=3dozen violet, 1/8,, 2/6=5dozen olive, 5/-=10dozen black


 Bottles: 3 December 1914-17 N-E-I State/Commonwealth

[N-E-I = Not Elsewhere Included in the duty schedule of excise duties]

Duty Rate 6d per ½ dozen bottles

Proofs imperf on plain paper-40/-[40dozen orange-red]-from $1000


 Bottles: 25 September 1918-20  N-E-I State/Commonwealth

[N-E-I = Not Elsewhere Included in the duty schedule of excise duties]

Duty Rate 1/- per ½ dozen bottles


Proofs imperf on plain paper-2/-[1dozen yellow], 4/-[2dozen brown], 6/-[3dozen red], 8/-[4dozen blue], 10/-[5dozen black], 12/-[6dozen burnt-orange], 40/-[20dozen orange-red], 60/-[30dozen brown], 80/-[40dozen red], 120/-[60dozen brown]-from $1000.00ea


Customs Clearance 1902

Also referred to as: Customs House and Brandy Excide Seals. See Commonwealth Revenue Page


1923 Unemployment Insurance

1923 Watermark Crown /Q Upright, inverted or sideways Perf 10-13 and compound

½d-$4.00 1d-$3.00 2d-$3.00 3d-$2.00 4d-$4.00 6d-$2.00 8d-$5.00 1/--$3.00 2/--$6.00 5/--$35.00 10/--$50.00 20/--$25.00 £5- $600.00 £10-$800.00 £20-$1200.00  

Imperf Proofs-½d-5/--$25ea. Imperf Proofs-Set to £20-$1500.00

2/--Imperf at right-$100.00

4d,6d & 8d added 1928


1930 Provisional



1930 Watermark Crown /Q Upright, inverted or sideways 1923 type with provisional overprint in black  

2d-$60.00 4d-$20.00 1/--$6.00 2/--$75.00 10/--$800.00 20/--$800.00

1931 Watermark Crown /Q Upright, inverted or sideways 1923 type with provisional overprint in black  

4d-$80.00 1/--$20.00 2/--$75.00 10/--$800.00 20/--$800.00

For further reading on watermarks inverted or sideways click here




New design, dates added

1930 Watermark Crown /Q Upright, inverted or sideways Perf 10-13. Mint same price as used

1930-1945 Simplified 2d-$5.00 4d-$25.00 6d-$5.00 8d-$10.00 1/-[blue]-$1.00 2/--$25.00 10/--$500.00 20/--$500.00

Imperf Proofs-Set-$400.00


Date Analysis:

A = 4 digit date

B = 2 digit date

[*b] = Black date

[*bl] = Blue date

[*br] = Brown date

[*r] = Red date

[*g] = Green date

[*v] = Violet date

[*] = printed same colour as frame

1930-2d[*r]A-$5.00 4d-$25.00 6d[*r]A -$15.00 1/-[*b]-$4.00

1931-2d[*b]A-$15.00 2d[*r]A-$25.00 4d[*b]A-$35.00 6d[*r][*v] A-$15.00 8d[*r]A-$20.00 1/-[*r]A-$4.00

1932-2d[*b][*bl]A-$5.00 4d[*b]A-$25.00 6d[*b][*bl]A-$15.00 8d[*b][*br][*r]A-$20.00 1/-[*bl][*r]A-$4.00 2/-[*b]A-$25.00 10/--$500.00 20/-[*b]A-$500.00

1933-2d[*b]A-$15.00 4d[*b]A-$25.00 6d[*b]A-$15.00 8d[*b]A-$20.00 1/-[*b ][*r]A-$4.00 2/-[violet][*b]A-$25.00 2/-[red-violet][*b]A-$40.00 10/-[*b]A-$500.00 20/-[*b]A-$500.00

1934-2d[*r]A-$15.00 4d[*b]A-$25.00 6d[*r]A-$5.00 8d[*r]A-$10.00 1/-[*r]A-$4.00 2/-[red-violet][*r]A-$25.00 20/-[*r]A-$350.00

1935-2d[*bl]A-$15.00 4d[*bl]A-$25.00 6d[*bl]A-$5.00 1/-[*bl]A-$4.00 2/-[violet][*bl]A-$25.00 10/-[*bl]A-$500.00 20/-[*bl]A-$500.00

1936-2d[*bl]A-$15.00 4d[*bl]A-$25.00 6d[*bl]A-$5.00 1/-[*bl]A-$4.00 2/-[violet][*bl]A-$25.00 2/-[red-violet][*bl]A-$25.00 10/-[*bl]A-$500.00 20/-[*bl]A-$500.00

1937-2d[*bl]A-$10.00 4d[*bl]A-$25.00 6d-$5.00 8d[*b]A[*bl]A-$40.00 1/-[orange/yellow][*bl]A-$4.00

1938-2d[*bl]A-$15.00 4d[*bl]A-$25.00 1/-[orange/yellow][*bl]A-$4.00 1/-[blue][*bl]A-$6.00 2/-[red-violet][*bl]A-$25.00

1939-2d[*bl]B-$15.00 4d[*b]A[*b]B-$25.00 6d[*r]-$5.00 1/-[orange/yellow][*r]B-$4.00 1/-[blue][*b][*r][*bl]B-$6.00 2/-[violet][*b]B-$25.00 2/-[red-violet][*b]B-$25.00

1940-2d[*r][*bl]B-$5.00 4d[*b]A[*b]B-$30.00 1/-[blue][*r]A[*bl]B-$6.00 2/-[violet][*b]B-$45.00 2/-[violet][*r]B-$25.00 2/-[red-violet][*r]B-$25.00

1941-2d[*r]B-$5.00 4d[*b]B[no wmk]-$50.00 6d[*r]-$15.00 1/-[orange/yellow][*b]B-$4.00 1/-[blue][*b]A[*bl][*g]B-$6.00 1/-[*g]B-$75.00 2/-[violet][*b]B-$25.00 2/-[red-violet][*b][*r]B-$25.00

1942-2d[*r]B-$5.00 6d[*r]B-$10.00 8d[*r]B-$15.00 1/-[blue][*b][*bl][*r]A-$4.00 2/-[red-violet][*r]B-$25.00 2/-[orange][*]B-$45.00

1943-2d[*r]B-$15.00 4d[*r]B-$5.00 6d[*r]B-$5.00 8d[*r]B-$20.00 1/-[*r][*]A-$1.00 2/-[orange][*]B-$45.00 20/-[*r]B-$750.00

1944-2d[*b]B-$5.00 4d[*r]A-$25.00 6d[*r]B-$5.00 8d[*b]B-$30.00 1/-[*]A-$1.00 2/-[orange][*]B-$45.00

1945-2d[*r]B-$20.00 6d[*r]B-$20.00 1/-[*r]A[*]B-$2.00 2/-[orange][*b]B-$80.00

For further reading on watermarks inverted or sideways Click here



Grey Security Back-print

1940 Security Back-Print 

1940-1944 Simplified 2d-$15.00 4d-$30.00 1/--$25.00


1940-2d[*r]B-$25.00 1/-[blue][*r]A-$25.00



1943-2d[*r]B-$15.00 4d[*r]B-$30.00


Backprint Upright or inverted x 2

For further reading on watermarks inverted or sideways click here



Overprinted 'U I 1943' on redundant Development tax issues]

1943 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12½

2d-$120.00 4d-$200.00 1/--$30.00 2/-[on dated 42'in black' issue]-$250.00


1942-2d[*b]B-$120.00 4d[*b]B-$130.00 1/-[*b]B-$130.00

For further reading on watermarks inverted or sideways click here


1924 Producers Association


                                                                     ½d-6d                                            1/--10/-                                              £1-£20             

1923 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12½. Prices are for genuine used.

Beware: Mint sheets remainders: ½d-6d deduct 50%. 1/--10/- deduct 75%. £1-£20 deduct 90%.

½d-$200.00 1d-$20.00 3d-$20.00 6d-$145.00 1/--$50.00 5/--$150.00 10/--$300.00 £1-$500.00 £5-$1000.00 £20-$1500.00  

Imperf Proofs hand stamped CANCELLED-Set to £20-$1200.00

4d, 6d & 8d added 1928


1933 Relief Tax

1930 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 12½

1d-$25.00 2d-$25.00 3d-$25.00 4d-$25.00 6d-$35.00 1/--$5.00 2/--$30.00 4/--$30.00 5/--$40.00 10/--$50.00 £1-$80.00

Imperf Proofs-Set-$400.00


New design, dates added

1933 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 10-13 and compound Numerous dates found 1933-1941

1933-1939 Simplified 1d-$25.00 2d-$25.00 3d-$25.00 4d-$25.00 4d [no watermark]-$100.00 6d-$40.00 1/--$40.00 2/--$40.00 4/--$40.00 5/--$60.00 10/--$80.00

Imperf Proofs-Set-$400.00

Date Analysis:

A = 4 digit date

B = 2 digit date

[*b] = Black date

[*bl] = Blue date

[*r] = Red date

1934-1d[*r]A-$25.00 2d[*r]A-$25.00 3d[*r]A-$25.00 6d[*r]A-$25.001/-[*r]A-$40.00 2/-[*r]A-$40.00 4/-[*r]A-$60.00 10/-[*r]A-$80.00

1935-1d[*bl]A-$5.00 3d[*bl]A-$5.00 4d[*bl]A-$5.00 6d[*bl]A-$5.00 1/-[*bl]A-$5.00 10/-[*bl]A-$80.00 £1[*bl]A-$80.00

1936-1d[*bl]A-$25.00 2d[*bl]A-$25.00 3d[*bl]A-$25.00 4d[*bl]A-$25.00 6d[*bl]A-$40.00 1/-[*bl]A-$40.00 2/-[*bl]A-$40.00

1937-2d[*bl]A-$25.00 3d[*bl]A-$25.00 4d[*bl]A-$25.00 4d[*bl]A[no watermark]-$100.00 6d[*bl]A-$40.00 1/-[*bl]A-$40.00 2/-[*bl]A-$40.00 4/-[*bl]A-$40.00

1938-1d[*bl]A-$25.00 2d[*bl]A-$25.00 3d[*bl]A-$25.00 4d[*bl]A-$25.00 6d[*bl]A-$40.00 1/-[*bl]A-$40.00 2/-[*bl]A-$40.00 5/-[*bl]A-$60.00 10/-[*bl]A-$80.00

1939-1d[*bl]A-$25.00 6d[*bl]A&B-$40.00 4/-[*b]B-$80.00 10/-[*b]B-$150.00

1935 low values, being the most common to find

For further reading on watermarks inverted or sideways click here


1939 Development Tax

1939 WatermarkCrown /Q

Simplified 2d-$30.00 4d-$80.00 6d-$250.00 1/--$100.00 2/--$8.00 4/--$400.00 5/--$400.00 10/--$450.00 £1-$800.00

Imperf Proofs-Set-$200.00

Date Analysis:

A = 4 digit date

B = 2 digit date

[*b] = Black date

[*r] = Red date

1939 4d[*b]B-$100.00 6d[*b]B-$25.00 1/-[*b]B-$40.00 2/-[*b]B-$80.00 5/-[*b]B-$400.00    

1940 2d[*b]B-$30.00 4d[*b]B-$80.00 6d[*b]B-$250.00 1/-[*r]B-$100.00 4/-[*r]B-$400.00 5/-[*b]B-$400.00 10/-[*r]B-$450.00 £1[*b]B-$800.00

Misplaced 40 [reading '0 40 4'] 4/-[*r]B-$500.00

1941 2d[*b]B-$30.00 4d[*b]B-$80.00 2/-[*b]B-$75.00 5/-[*b]B-$400.00

For further reading on watermarks inverted or sideways click here


Grey Security Back-print

1940 Security Back-Print with dates overprinted in black. Perf 10-13 and compound



1926-1961 Commodity Levy

Issued from 1926


Four Fruits with Four Different Frame Designs

Levy stamps appear scarce. For most fruit & vegetables consigned by rail, the levy fees were included in the freight by the Commissioner for Railways. Agents and growers could obtain levy stamps from the COD. From a list of 45 Vegetables, Pumpkin, Swede, Turnips and English Potatoes were exempt form levy fees.

Wmk, No Wmk, Security Backprint [as noted] perf 12, 13, 14, compound or Roulette 4-7

Banana 1 Sep 1927

Rouletted 1d[blue]-$100.00 3d[brown]-$100.00 6d-[dull orange]-$100.00

Citrus 12 Feb 1926

Perforated 1d[tangerine]-$75.00 2d[light green]-$75.00

Rouletted 1d[violet]-$75.00 1d[purple]-$75.00 3d[brown]-$75.00 6d[red]-$75.00

PaPaw 11 Oct 1928

Perforated 1d[tangerine]-$150.00 1d[red]-$50.00 2d-[grey]-$75.00 2d[red]-$50.00 3d-[green]-$75.00 3d[red]-$60.00 6d[brown]-$75.00 6d[red]-$60.00 1/-[red]-$75.00

Perforated & Watermarked 1d[yellow]-$180.00

Rouletted 2 Nov 1936 1d[red]-$50.00 2d-[grey]-$75.00 2d[red]-$50.00 3d-[green]-$75.00 3d[red]-$60.00 6d[red]-$60.00 1/-[red]-$75.00

Pineapple 10 Feb 1928

Rouletted 1d-[blue]-$200.00 6d-[red orange]-$200.00


Issued from 1936

All Fruit & Vegetables now with Generic Frame

Avocado 15 July 1941

Perforated 1d[pink]-$50.00 6d[green]-$50.00 6d[lilac]-$50.00

Rouletted 1d[green]-$50.00 1d[rose red]-$50.00 6d[violet]-$50.00 6d[green]-$50.00 6d[green-imperf horiz between]-$400.00

Banana 1 Jan 1936

Perforated & Watermarked 1d[green]-$150.00 1d[blue]-$150.00 2d[purple]-$150.00  3d[brown]-$150.00 6d[yellow]-$150.00 6d[purple]-$150.00

Perforated 1d[purple]-$50.00 2d[purple]-$50.00 3d[purple]-$50.00 6d[yellow]-$50.00 6d[purple]-$50.00 1/-[blue]-$50.00 2/-[red]-$75.00

Rouletted 1d[purple]-$50.00 1d[blue]-$50.00 2d[purple]-$50.00 2d[blue]-$150.00 3d[brown]-$150.00 3dpurple]-$50.00 6d[yellow]-$50.00 6d[purple]-$50.00 1/-[blue]-$50.00 1/-[purple]-$150.00 2/-[red]-$75.00 2/-[purple]-$150.00

Bean 8 April 1957

Perforated 1/-[bright mauve-perf]-$60.00

Rouletted 1d[pink]-$80.00 2d[pink]-$80.00 3d[pink]-$80.00 6d[pink]-$80.00 1/-[pink]-$80.00 1/-[bright mauvel]-$60.00

Citrus 30 Nov 1936

Perforated 1d-[orange]$50.00 1d-[green]-$50.00 2d[orange]-$50.00 2d[green]-$50.00 3d[orange]-$50.00 3d[brown]-$100.00 6d[orange]-$50.00 1/-[green]-$60.00 1/-[orange]-$50.00 2/-[orange]-$85.00 3/-[orange]-$200.00

Rouletted 1d-[orange]$50.00 2d[orange]-$50.00 3d[orange]-$50.00 6d[orange]-$50.00 1/-[orange]-$60.00  1/-[green]-$60.00 2/-[orange]-$85.00

Imperf 1d-[purple]$100.00

PaPaw not seen in this frame design

Pineapple 2 Nov 1936 

Perforated & Watermarked 2d[-greenish blue, compound perf 13x14]-$300.00 6d-[red orange]-$60.00

Perforated 1d-[blue]$50.00 2d-[blue]-$50.00 3d-[blue]-$50.00 3d[yellow]-$50.00 6d-[blue]-$50.00 1/--[green]-$75.00 1/--[blue]-$60.00 2/--[blue]-$75.00 2/--[blue-perf 14 imperf horiz between]-$300.00 2/--[lilac]-$75.00 2/--[violet]-$75.00

Rouletted 1d-[bluel]$50.00 2d-[blue]-$50.00 3d-[blue]-$50.00 6d-[blue]-$50.00 1/--[green]-$75.00 1/--[blue]-$60.00 2/--[blue]-$75.00 2/--[lilac]-$75.00 2/--[violet]-$75.00

Stanthorpe 1 Dec 1958

Perforated 6d[black]-$120.00 1/-[black]-$250.00 2/-[dark brown]-$200.00

Tomato 7 Oct 1937

Perforated 1d[violet]$-50.00 1d[black]$-50.00  2d[red]-$150.00 2d[black]-$50.00  3d[pink]-$150.00  3d[black]-$50.00  3d[black-imperf horizontally between]-$250.00  3d[black-imperf vertically between]-$250.00 6d[pink]-$150.00 6d[black]-$50.00  6d[black-imperf horizontally between]-$250.00  6d[purple]$-50.00  6d[brown]-$150.00  1/-[pink]-$150.00 1/-[black]-$50.00 1/-[mauve]$-50.00

Perforated & Watermarked 1d[violet]-$150.00

Rouletted 1d[violet]$-50.00 1d[black]$-50.00 2d[black]-$50.00 2d[blue]-$50.00 3d[black]-$50.00 6d[black]-$50.00 6d[purple]$-50.00 1/-[black]-$50.00 1/-[mauve]$-50.00

Vegetable 21 Nov 1946

Perforated 1d[blue]-$50.00 2d[green]-$50.00 2d[blue]-$50.00 3d[blue]-$50.00 4d[blue]-$80.00 6d[red-$75.00 6d[blue]-$50.00 1/-[brown]-$50.00 2/-[black]-$75.00 5/-[blue]-$80.00  

Perforated with Security Back-Print c1940 [Banana handstamped VEGETABLE] 6d[orange]-$200.00

Rouletted 1d[blue]-$50.00 2d[lime green]-$50.00 2d[blue]-$50.00 3d[blue]-$50.00 4d[blue]-$80.00 6d[red]-$75.00 6d[blue]-$50.00 1/-[blue]-$75.00 1/-[brown]-$50.00 2/-[black]-$75.00 3/-[blue]-$80.00  5/-[blue]-$80.00  

Compound Perf/Roul 3d[blue]-$100.00

Custard Apples not seen

Imperf Proofs with or without printers guide lines $40.00ea

Granite Belt District Levies (Stanthorpe Fruit & Vegetable Levy (prior to December 1958), Apple Levy etc) were usually included in the freight paid to the Commissioner for Railways. For a period around 1936 there was also a Hail Insurance Fund Levy for which stamps appear to have been produced (1d, 2d. 5d & 10d).

Other levies (eg Fig Levy, Cannery Pineapple Revolving Levy, Strawberry Processing Levy) were applied for which stamps were not issued. These levies were collected by payment to the Commissioner of Railways or by deductions from payments made by the COD or COD Factories. The use of levy stamps ceased in June 1961 but the levies continued to be applied until the COD was privatised in the late 1990s


Commonwealth Tax Instalments are listed in Commonwealth Revenues


1941 Buffalo Fly

1941 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 10-14. Mint with gum x 2. Due to the war many printing shades can be found

1d-$10.00 2d-$10.00 3d-$10.00 6d-$10.00 8d-$20.00 1/--$5.00 2/6d-$10.00 5/--$10.00 10/--$20.00  £1-$30.00 £5-$200.00  

Imperf Proofs-Set-$400.00

Grey Security Back-print

1941 Security Back-Print [reading up or down] Perf 10-14. Mint with gum x 2. Due to the war many printing shades can be found

1d-$10.00 2d-$10.00 3d-$15.00 6d-$15.00 8d-$35.00 1/--$15.00 2/6d-$40.00 5/--$40.00 10/--$50.00


1966 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 14. Mint with gum x 2. Printing shades known

1c-$20.00 2c-$20.00 5c-$15.00 7c-$40.00 10c-$10.00 25c-$30.00 50c-$20.00 $1-$30.00 $1[grey]-$180.00 $2-$40.00 $10[black]-$100.00 $10[grey]-$150.00

Imperf Proofs-Set-$400.00


1962 Swine Duty

1962 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 14. Mint with gum x 3. Printing shades known

1d-$20.00 3d-$15.00 6d-$15.00 8d-$80.00 1/--$10.00 2/6d-$20.00 5/--$25.00 10/--$25.00 £1-$100.00 £1[perf12]-$150.00 £5-$300.00

Imperf Proofs-Set-$400.00


1966 Watermark Crown /Q Perf 14. Mint with gum x 3. Printing shades known

1c-$80.00 2c-$45.00 5c-$45.00 7c-$100.00 10c-$40.00 10c[perf 12, wmk inv only]-$200.00 25c-$80.00 50c-$80.00 $1-$80.00 $2-$80.00 $10[violet]-$230.00 $10[1969 blue perf 12]-$1200.00

Imperf Proofs-Set[no $10 blue in proof format]-$600.00

Inverted watermark 2c-$20.00 10c-$80.00 10c[perf 12, wmk inv only]-$200.0050c-$80.00


Wharfage Dues

1910c Bowen. issued in booklets perfed at left.



1933 Betting Tax

[Revenue Stamped Paper]


1933                                                            1938

1933 Imperf Prices are for full used tickets. For Mint deduct 50%. For cut outs deduct 75%

1d dieI [plain card]-$350.00 1d-dieII-$60.00 3d-dieII-$100.00 6d-Unseen 1/-[for a £5 wager]-dieII-$400.00

1d dieI 20x23mm. 1d dieII 22½x25mm


1938 Imperf Prices are for full used tickets. For Mint deduct 50%. For cut outs deduct 75%

1d-$200.00 3d-Unseen




1966 Imperf Prices are for full tickets. For cut outs deduct 75%

1c-[two designs]-$25.00ea 2c-$25.00




1980 Imperf Prices are for full tickets

1c-Green-[Nil on ticket]-$20.00 1c-Pink-[Nil on ticket]-$10.00 1c-Violet-[Nil on ticket]-$10.00


1933 Motor Car Registration

Fee shown top right [photocopy]

From 1933



Fee Included





1923 Gaming Tax

Golden Casket [Lottery]

[Revenue Stamped Paper]

1st Ticket drawn 14th June 1917 with the 2nd on 7th March 1918


TYPE I - 27mm x 10mm

From 1923 One ticket only and no cut outs of type I recorded

3d[5/3d full ticket]-$800.00


From 1927


New Frame TYPE II - 28mm x 11mm at top & 10 mm at bottom

1927 New frame, oval now broken into dots. Printed on several different paper colours

Cut outs $30.00

3d [5/3d full ticket]-$600.00

5% [5/6d full ticket]-$400.00

Christmas tickets had a red Santa overprint x 2



'Including State Government Tax'

1933-65 Printed on several different paper colours and designs




Picture is 1930's Casket Draw

Picture is 1960's Casket Draw

From 1966 Printed on many different paper colours and designs





From 1970 Printed on many different paper colours and designs


Specimen or Void-$150.00each








From 1980 Printed on many different paper colours and designs


Specimen or Void-$150.00each


Other Queensland revenue related Reading

 Postal Notes Cypher Labels Toll Tickets


Back to Catalogue Index

Email Dave Elsmore: anytime! - I am happy to answer any questions you may have [if I can], I am also happy to buy your collection or single items of Revenue Stamps


Can you help update this page?

© copyright 1997 on

All Graphics. Dave Elsmore

No part of this page may be copied used, saved in electronic form or hard printed.
