
New South Wales Railway Fee Stamps

ISSN 1836-0084

This is a 'work in progress' from a series of on line catalogues to help the collector and dealer alike.


This FREE online catalogue is courtesy of Dave Elsmore 

 This is a Catalogue only.

Nothing is for sale from these pages. It is purely to help guide you to better collecting.

Priced from Collectors, Dealers & Auctions.

I would welcome any comments to improve the pages.

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Constantly updated as information and prices are sourced. Prices are in Australian $



1890 Die Proof on tissue paper




1891 No Watermark Perf 10-12 Overprinted OS x 2. Mint x 3

1d-$3.00 3d[green]-$20.00 3d[blue]-$15.00 4d-$20.00 5d-$20.00 6d-[red]-$10.00 6d-[orange]-$60.00 6d-[yellow]-$200.00 9d-$25.00 1/--$10.00 3/-[3 different bi-colours]-$35.00each 5/--$100.00

Thin paper x 2

6d OS recorded inverted [BEWARE Gee forgery]

Compound perfs x 10

Clean perf 10x10 stamps [this perf was first to be used] x 2

Ivory back-[similar to gb ivory head] x 5

Some values printed in various colours, these are not 'colour errors'


Die II [Lower left circle missing frame]

1907c No Watermark Roulette Overprinted OS x 2. Mint x 3

3d-$60.00 6d-$60.00 1/--$40.00


1914 Watermark Crown/A[remaindered postage stamp paper] Perf 11½ Overprinted OS x 3. Mint x 3

1d-$40.00 3d-$25.00 4d-$75.00 5d-$100.00 6d-$40.00 9d-$50.00 1/--$25.00 3/--$200.00 5/--$40.00

Ivory back-[similar to gb ivory head] x 2


1917 Watermark Crown/NSW[remaindered postage stamp paper] Perf 11½ Mint x 2

1d-$100.00 3d-$250.00 4d-$80.00 5d-$80.00 9d-$200.00 1/--$250.00 3/--$1200.00


1891 & 1896
 Cloak Room Parcel Ticket

1891 & 1896 No Watermark, perf 11. With 'Two Pence'[1891] or 'New South Wales'[1896] at top. Red or black receipt numbers recorded

2d-$300.00ea. Various. Beware Photocopy forgeries

Adjoining receipt for claim purpose [not a revenue]-$80.00


1918 Security Under-Print [provisional]




1918 No Watermark Provisional Security Under-Print NSW/R [paper shortage due to war] Perf 11½. Mint x 2

1d-$200.00 3d-$180.00 4d-$225.00 5d-$300.00 6d-$250.00 9d-$200.00[Underprint sideways] 1/--$200.00 3/--$250.00 5/--[Underprint sideways]-$350.00

O S overprint same price

Company Pre cancels or Company Perfins same price







1918 Watermark NSW over R [bold] Perf 11½. Inv Wmk same price as used. Mint x 4. Overprinted OS same price

1d-$25.00 3d-$35.00 4d-$45.00 5d-[pink]-$50.00 5d-[rose]-$200.00 6d-$20.00 9d-$80.00 1/--$15.00 2/--[1925]$175.00 3/--$100.00 5/-$200.00

Some values printed in various monocolours, these are not 'colour errors'

Changlings are known - Buyer beware! also photocopies

Company Pre cancels or Company Perfins x 2



Die Proof. Original proof cut close on wove plain paper

Beware 1961 REPRINTS [6 recorded] on semi gloss scraps of larger paper

BUYER BEWARE - photocopies of the above are turning up on eBay on various papers and finding their way into exhibits.
CAUTION must be taken. These must be classed as RUBBISH.






1929 Watermark NSW over R [bold] Perf 11½. Inv Wmk and Mint same price as used Rare Stations x 2

1d-$20.00 3d-$15.00 4d-$25.00 5d-$20.00 6d-$15.00 9d-$25.00 1/--$20.00 2/--$35.00 3/--$50.00 4/--$180.00 5/--$150.00 10/- -$100.00

SPENCER ST VIC. in place of station name, from-$20.00ea

CANBERRA in place of station name, from-$10.00ea

Company Pre cancels or Company Perfins x 2

Sheets of blank station name are in the market place 25% of used price

Some values printed in various monocolours, these are not 'colour errors'

Changlings are known - buyer beware!

Black die proof cut close on plain wove paper -$300.00

Reprinted die proof 1961 on off cuts of semi gloss scraps of paper $10 each [6 recorded]


Overprinted OS STATE GOVERNMENT Inv Wmk same as used price. Mint full gum x 4

1d-$20.00 3d-$20.00 4d-$25.00 5d-$150.00 6d-$20.00 9d-$30.00 1/--$12.00 2/--$30.00 3/--$40.00 4/--$50.00 5/--$50.00 10/--$180.00


1948 GNSWGNSW [repeated two lines per stamp] Watermark Perf 11½ [sheets of mint remainders, SYDNEY station exist] Compound perf 11 x 11½ x 5. Inv Wmk and Mint same price as used Rare Stations x 2

1d-$1.00 1d[roulette ]-$50.00 3d-$1.00 4d-$4.00 5d-$5.00 6d-$1.00 9d-$2.00 1/--$1.00 2/--$5.00  3/--$4.00 4/--$4.00 4/-[roulette] -$50.00 5/--$8.00 10/- -$10.00

SPENCER ST VIC. in place of station name, from-$20.00ea

CANBERRA in place of station name, from-$10.00ea

Mint sheets are in the market place same price as used

Some values printed in various monocolours, these are not 'colour errors'

BUYER BEWARE: FORGED 'O S' seen on various station names, Ex Gee.

Company Security Cancels or Company Perfins x 2

Overprinted OS STATE GOVERNMENT Inv Wmk same as used price. Mint full gum x 3

1d-$1.00 3d-$1.00 4d-$10.00 6d-$10.00 9d-$20.00 1/--$5.00 2/--$15.00  3/--$15.00 5/--$20.00 10/- -$30.00

Overprinted OS STATE GOVT. Inv Wmk same as used price. Mint full gum x 2

1d-$15.00 3d-$15.00 4d-$20.00 5d-$5.00 6d-$5.00 9d-$10.00 1/--$5.00 2/--$15.00  3/--$15.00 4/--$20.00 5/--$20.00 10/--$30.00



Die Proof. Original proof cut close on wove plain paper

Beware 1961 REPRINTS [6 recorded] on off cuts of semi gloss scraps of larger paper

BUYER BEWARE - photocopies of the above are turning up on eBay on various papers and finding their way into exhibits.
CAUTION must be taken. These must be classed as RUBBISH.






1929 Watermark NSW over R [bold] Perf 11½

6d-$2000.00 9d-$800.00

Black die proof cut close on plain wove paper -$300.00 see above warning

Reprinted die proof 1961 on off cuts of semi gloss scraps of paper $10 each [6 recorded]


1966 Decimal


                                                     OS overprint [A]                                OS overprint [B]

1966 GNSWGNSW [repeated] Watermark Perf 11½. Mint x 2 Rare Stations x 5

1c-$3 2c-$3 3c-$3 5c-$1 7c-$3 8c-$3 10c-$1 15c-$45 18c-$25.00 20c-$1 28c-$25.00 30c-$3 40c-$3 50c-$3 $1-$5

Black proof-$300.00

Handstamped CANCELLED part set 1c-$1-x2

OS-with and without stop

OS overprint [A] From $15.00ea

OS overprint [B] From $15.00ea

Station name cartouche, Blank-$10.00ea

CANBERRA in place of station name-$5.00ea

VICTORIA in place of station name-$5.00ea

SPENCER ST VIC. in place of station name-$30.00ea



Colour change to low values                             OS overprint [C]

1968 GNSWGNSW [repeated] Watermark Perf 11½. Mint same price as used Rare Stations x 5

1c-50c 2c-50c 3c-50c 4c-50c 5c-50c 6c-50c 7c-50c 8c-50c 9c-50c 10c-50c 20c-50c 30c-50c 40c-50c 50c-50c 60c-50c 70c-50c 80c-50c 90c-50c $1-$2 $2-$1 $3-$1 $4-$4 $5-$2

OS overprint [C] From $5.00ea Mint full gum x 2

Station name cartouche, Blank-$20.00ea

VICTORIA in place of station name-$5.00ea

SPECIMEN 28½x4mm [Station name cartouche, Blank] - overprint-$30.00ea

SPECIMEN 28½x4mm [Berala station] - overprint [All but 80c, $1, $2 recorded]-$20.00ea


1974 No Watermark white paper Perf 11½. Mint x 2 Rare Stations x 5

1c-50c 2c-50c 3c-50c 4c-50c 5c-50c 6c-50c 7c-50c 8c-50c 9c-50c 10c-50c 20c-50c 30c-50c 40c-50c 50c-50c 60c-50c 70c-50c 80c-50c 90c-50c $1-$2 $2-$1 $3-$1 $4-$4 $5-$2 $10-$4

OS overprint [C] From $5.00ea

OS-with stop after 'Gov.t'. From $20.00ea

CANBERRA in place of station name-$3.00ea

VICTORIA in place of station name-$3.00ea

SPECIMEN 31x3mm [Station name cartouche, Blank] - overprint-$15.00ea

SPECIMEN 31x3mm [Berala station] - overprint, 10c-$5 inclusive-$10.00ea

SPECIMEN 31x3mm [Chester Hill station] - overprint. 30c only-$300.00ea

SPECIMEN 31x3mm [Sydenham station recorded on 5c, 30c, 40c, $1, $3, $4, $5 only] - overprint-$20.00ea

SPECIMEN 31x3mm [Sydenham station] - overprint. PLATE 1 on $1 only-$400.00ea


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Reference works for further study

Dave Elsmore: by email anytime! - I am happy to answer any questions you may have [if I can], I am also happy to buy your collection or single items of Railway Stamps


Can you help update this page?

© copyright 1997 on

All Graphics. Dave Elsmore

No part of this page may be copied used, saved in electronic form or hard printed.
