
Local Carrier Stamps of Thomas Bryce Brisbane

This page has extracts from my 1996 publication

"Local Carrier Stamps of Thomas Bryce & Co Brisbane"

Copyright © 1996 Dave Elsmore

ISBN 0 646 27688 3


"The City and Suburban Parcel Delivery Bryce Ltd" began operations some time in 1887 from 150 Edward St Brisbane Queensland Australia with Thomas Bryce as General Manager and finally closed it's doors in the mid 50's

1873 "W. Drake & Co". Listed as 'Van Proprietor' Warren & Edward Sts

1878 "H. W. Drake & Co". Listed as 'Van Proprietor' Warren & Edwards Sts

1882 "H. W. Drake & Co" ALSO Listed as a 'Carrier' 150 Edward St

1886 "Drake Bros" 'Carriers' Elizabeth St

1886 "Bryce and Battersby" 'Carriers & Carters' trading as: 'City Suburban Parcel Delivery Company' 150 Edward St. 1887 Church St

1889 "Thomas Bryce and Co" November 1889 moved from Edward St to Adelaide St

1892 Terms- City and Near Suburbs 3d per 28lbs. Distant Suburbs, double rates, Bulky parcels in proportion to weight charged by measurement. Special rates for heavy cases

On 29 September 1900 it was re-registered back to "The City and Suburban Parcel Delivery Bryce Limited" when Thomas's brother John Menzies Bryce joined the business. Other partners were Thomas's wife Janet Bryce, Charles Woodhead & Alfred Faulkner

Jan 1908 The cost was 3d to carry a 28lb parcel 3 miles radius of the GPO and 6d for a 56lb parcel 3-6 miles radius of the GPO

9d to carry a 28lb parcel 3-6 miles radius of the GPO and 1/- to carry a 56lb parcel 3-6 miles radius of the GPO

Bryce became a Pty Ltd in Sep 1910

2 January 1913 Revised rates of charges applied. The minimum charge now 4d, the 3d parcel stamp withdrawn

In 1950 it was re-registered as "Bryce Limited" until it's demise under the directorship of Thomas Bryce Jnr

All stamps printed by lithography on plain unwatermarked paper

The below collection represents the only complete collection extant





[Top horse and carriage pointing left. This issue only]

Printer: Outridge Printing Co Queen St Brisbane

[2 copies known, 1 found on the back of an oil painting in a junk shop the other came up in a Tasmanian stamp auction]





Printer: Watson Ferguson and Co Queen St Brisbane

[2 copies known]





Roulette 7

4 values recorded. 2-5 of each known

3d recorded perf 10 x 12 - 1 known. Perf 10 - 2 known

Printer: Watson Ferguson and Co Queen St Brisbane

Jan 1908 The cost was 3d to carry a 28lb parcel 3 miles radius of the GPO and 6d for a 56lb parcel 3-6 miles radius of the GPO

9d to carry a 28lb parcel 3-6 miles radius of the GPO and 1/- to carry a 56lb parcel 3-6 miles radius of the GPO




Roulette 7

Phone Numbers 211-212 added

2 Jan 1913 a 4d value was introduced. 3d made redundant

The minimum charge now 4d, the 3d parcel stamp withdrawn

Printer: Watson Ferguson and Co Queen St Brisbane



Control Numbers added

Address change to Ann St Brisbane

1/- only recorded

Printer: Jackson and O'Sullivan 225 Adelaide St Brisbane Co Queen St Brisbane



Black Control Numbers



No Imprint

1/- Roulette 7 / perf 12½

Printer: Jackson and O'Sullivan 225 Adelaide St Brisbane Co Queen St Brisbane




No Imprint. Roulette 7

Printer: Jackson and O'Sullivan 225 Adelaide St Brisbane Co Queen St Brisbane


Forged surcharges are known on the 1950 series after full sheets of surplus were sold to a collector who was later found to have printing blocks for the surcharges and sheets partly surcharged

Top right number is the sheet position  number of each stamp

Vertical number at left is the sheet number

 Cliché number layout

17      13      9      5      1

18     14      10      6      2

19     15      11      7      3

20      16      12      8     4

Other known Brisbane parcel carriers

Brisbane Parcels Express Co Ltd 1884 - 1892

Chalks Express Delivery Co. 1900

© copyright 1997 on

All Graphics. Dave Elsmore

No part of this page may be copied used, saved in electronic form or hard printed.